Whether you're thinking about getting a puppy, or you've already brought your new forever friend home, you're here for one reason and one reason only... to learn the how's, why's, and when's of puppy routines. It's so easy to get lost on the internet, especially with animal care and that's because, although a lot of sites will claim otherwise, it's subjective! Some things might not work for your pup or your lifestyle and that's okay! As long as your pups needs are met, you're doing a great job.
Routines are good for young dogs, in the same way they're good for young humans. Puppies are learning the world, and knowing what's coming next will help to set them up for success... that's not to say we can't sneak them into bed for a quick snuggle every now and then.
Keep reading, in this guide, we'll outline the ideal puppy routine to help you set your furry friend up for success.
Morning: Starting your Puppy's day right!
Morning Toilet Break:
Start your puppy's day by taking your puppy outside for a toilet break as soon as they wake up. Wait for them to do their business and as soon as they've do, it's celebration time! Praise and reward them using their favourite treats for being the best canine citizen and to reinforce good toileting habits. They won't forget the party that happened last time they pee'd there, so they're more likely to do it again... before you know it, they'll be waiting at the door to let you know they need to go!
Breakfast Time:
When they've successfully done their business on their morning toilet break, provide your puppy with a nutritious breakfast. How you feed them their breakfast is up to you, but make sure you stick to a regular feeding schedule to help regulate their digestive system and also help to prevent accidents indoors.
Playtime and Training:
once your pup has had a chance to let their breakfast digest. Engage your puppy in a short play session or training session to stimulate their mind and burn off some energy. Use positive reinforcement techniques, like treats and praise to teach basic commands like sit, stay, and come. This will help strengthen your bond, and there's no feeling like it when they finally get it!
Midday: Nap Time and Socialization
Crate or Rest Area:
After their morning activities, it's time for your puppy to have a rest. Encourage them to settle down in their crate or designated rest area with a comfortable bed and a few toys to keep them occupied. Puppies are sleepy creatures, it likely won't take much before they fall fast asleep, but if they don't and you want to teach them to settle, you need to ignore them (I know, I know but hear me out), this will help build the foundations of your pup being able to settle when you're not at home.
Socialization Time:
In the mid-morning or midday, take your puppy out for a short walk or to a puppy socialization class. Exposing them to new experiences, sights, sounds, and smells at a young age will help them become confident and well-adjusted adult dogs. Remember to take it at your pup's pace, don't overwhelm them. Some puppies are more than happy to zoom about and have strange dogs near them and some are more reserved.
Afternoon: Exercise and Enrichment
Afternoon Walk:
In the afternoon, take your puppy for a longer walk to provide them with exercise and mental stimulation. Allow them to explore their surroundings and interact with other dogs and people under close supervision.
Interactive Play:
When you return home, engage your puppy in some interactive playtime with toys like puzzle feeders or interactive balls. These activities will challenge their problem-solving skills and provide mental enrichment.
Evening: Wind Down and Relaxation
Evening Meal:
Serve your puppy their evening meal at the same time each day to establish a routine. Avoid feeding them too close to bedtime to prevent digestive upset during the night.
Quiet Time:
As the evening approaches, encourage your puppy to wind down and relax. Provide them with a quiet space where they can rest and unwind after a busy day.
Bedtime Routine:
Establish a bedtime routine that signals to your puppy that it's time to sleep. This could include a final toilet break, a short walk, and some gentle cuddling or grooming before settling them down for the night.